Showing posts with label cottage style. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cottage style. Show all posts

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Photos of 2014: Garden

you've probably heard the saying, "the house of a builder is never finished". Well, this is true.
As we approach the middle of 2014, though there have been many little changes to our home inside and gradual improvements to the outside, there will always be long term projects that are constantly changing, being added to or delayed.

First of all, the ever changing:

The garden.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Love it here

it may not seem like it, but we haven't forgotten this blog completely ;)

been busy living, tidying, finishing and constantly improving bits and pieces around here. We're still nailing down skirting boards, fitting out the pantry, installing solar power & water...and finding out what its like to live here when there is a cyclone & the river is flooding. More photos when we've cleaned up a bit

Thursday, December 6, 2012

After the move: Kitchen

When we moved in we didn't have a kitchen counter top. Then, 2 days later:

I'll have more photos soon...that is, AFTER we've completely unpacked and cleared away the chaos of moving. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Moving Day

For two weeks from dawn to dusk we packed boxes. 
Two truck loads later...

the heaviest piece of furniture had to be the first to move in

Four truck loads later

welcome to our nightmare! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Much can change in 2 weeks

kitchen nook. 
 Poor papa. He just slammed his fingers in these windows :(
Renovating is perilous.

Living area is shiny & white

the most important fitting for this summer


The color turned out not as expected. It will be going back to be re-tinted

Thumper the door knocker
All we need for the entry door are knobs and fittings to match our bunny door knocker (found on

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Week 17. 3 weeks till Moving Day

Front door

entry, mudroom, bathroom

what will be the patio garden

and a view from the other end of the house

the strange orchid tree has red flowers. What is it?

love those hills

sunroom doors

looking east from the old verandah

where the laundry will be

living area, kitchen

powder room, bathroom  storage

bathroom. the future location
of one clawfoot tub


fancy stone tiles in the shower

our door knocker.
Thumper the Rabbit